Kidnapped to the Underworld by Victor Montejo Reviewed by Mark D. Walker

It seems appropriate that this book was published on the 500th anniversary of Spaniard Alvarado’s conquering of the Maya in 1524—making this a time to reflect on the impact it had on the Maya, one of the great civilizations of the Hemisphere. Victor Montejo is a respected Mayan intellectual and activist. He believes that racism in Guatemala is best understood as a system originating in the inequality established by the Spanish conquest. The Spaniards viewed the indigenous peoples as barbarians who needed to be controlled and civilized. Despite the Spaniards’ relentless efforts to alter and eradicate numerous Maya traditions and […]

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We Just Reached Our Kickstarter Funding Goal! Three Weeks Remain to Do More!

Friends, Colleagues, and Writers Around the World Thank you to our backers for helping us reach our funding goal. We are so grateful to each and every one of you. We still have three weeks to go! Every extra dollar will allow us to expand the project to a larger audience and educate and inspire a larger audience about Guatemala and the book’s extraordinary lives and awesome stories. Please continue to share the link to the Guatemala Reader Kickstarter platform, which explains the objectives and the different formats of the books—hardcover and paperback—along with the “rewards,” such as a […]

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A Note from the Million Mile Walker: The Guatemala Reader is Live on Kickstarter!

Friends, Colleagues, and Writers Around the World I’ve been unavailable for the last several months finishing up The Guatemala Reader, now available on Kickstarter! Please share the project with friends and contacts, as it includes a brief video and background information on the making of this project: After traveling, working, and writing about Guatemala for 50 years, I’ve focused this project on some of the country’s extraordinary people and amazing stories.   The purpose of the project includes: Educate and inspire people to learn more about Guatemala. Introduce extraordinary lives and stories to generate more empathy for those heading […]

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