The Dog Who Came for Christmas by Jody Sharpe, Reviewed by Mark D. Walker

I’ve read and reviewed four of the author’s Mystic Bay series books, and like her five other books, this one proves the power of the human spirit to move on despite incredible tragedy and personal loss. The author’s daughter, Kate, was killed in a tragic accident, and then her husband died. And during a difficult period where many would have succumbed to despair, Jody had a dream in which a voice told her to read “Charlotte’s Web,” by E.V. White, a children’s book. Initially, she didn’t know why she should read it until the last line of the text revealed […]

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Big Ears Jack and Friends by Earl Vincent de Berge, Reviewed by Mark D. Walker

I met the author and his wife, Suzanne, several years ago over lunch in Phoenix, discussing fundraising strategies for an NGO they set up in Guatemala, “Seeds for a Future,” which provides training to impoverished rural women in Guatemala, to improve family access to food and nutrition. I soon learned that we shared a love and appreciation of Guatemala and the Desert Southwest, and that Earl was also a writer and, in his case, a poet. I was surprised to learn that he started writing as far back as 1959 and is publishing this spring an autographical novel laced with […]

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So, What’s a Writer to Do? Million Mile Walker Dispatch December, 2024 edition

Dear Colleagues and Friends from Around the World, Thanksgiving greetings to one and all! You can click on the poster above to access the latest Arizona Authors Association Dispatch (AAA), which includes accomplishments and my latest book review, as well as several essays and resources from top authors of the AAA. This month, I’ll focus on the writer’s role in this ever-more violent and complex world. 2024 was a year with unprecedented violence, record immigrant displacement, a growth with human trafficking, growing inequality, greater levels of misinformation, political abuse, and hatred against the “enemy from within,” which includes immigrants as […]

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