Book Review – Latin America: American Dirt

American Dirt By Jeanine Cummins Reviewed by Mark D. Walker As someone who has traveled through and around Mexico multiple times, I was attracted to this number one blockbuster for Hispanic Literature. Recently, I reviewed Paul Theroux’s, “On the Plain of Snakes: A Mexican Journey,” and that, plus the brutal murder of the defenseless Mormon family by the cartel in the northern state of Sonora made this a must read for me. The story begins in Acapulco, which was one of Mexico’s key resort centers, although over the years it has become increasingly violent. Lydia owns a bookstore there and […]

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Book Review – Latin America: The Adventures of Mr. Puttison Among the Maya

The Adventures of Mr. Puttison Among the Maya By Victor D. Montejo Reviewed by Mark D. Walker I read this book years ago in Spanish and decided to obtain the English version to review in order to introduce it to a broader audience. I have interacted with the author during my research for the production of a documentary on immigration, “Guatemala: Trouble in the Highlands.” He is a distinguished Anthropologist, author, poet and a native speaker of the Maya Popb’alti language. The principal character, an American traveler turns up in a remote Maya village in the Department of Huehuetenango in […]

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